Will my radiators work a heat pump system?

When considering installing a heat pump system, you may be concerned if a heat pumps will work with traditional radiators or indeed if you can make use of your existing radiators.The simple answer is, yes, if adequately sized so they work at lower temperatures radiators can be paired with a heat pump system, and in some cases, you can possibly use your existing radiators.  If your existing radiators are too small, they can be easily replaced with larger radiators that operate at the correct flow temperature to use with a heat pump. 

Air Source Heating FAQ’s

Planning permission may be required to install an air source heat pump.  We suggest checking with your local planning department.

Some air source heat pumps are designed to work at temperatures as low as -20o.

There is the Boiler Upgrade Scheme available to all homeowners replacing a fossil fuel heating system with a heat pump.

Heat pumps work in most properties if the property has sufficient insulation.

A properly sized and installed heat pump will be able to heat the whole house. This is why it’s so important to use a reputable heat pump supplier and get an expert installer to fit your system.

Yes there are many benefits to installing a heat pump some advantages include:

  • Zero-carbon emissions
  • Low running costs
  • Incredibly efficient
  • Sustainable
  • Low maintenance
  • Long service life

While gas boilers are still cheaper to install, the long-term running costs of a heat pump are less. However, the cost is very much determined by the price of electricity at the time, as heat pumps are run using electricity rather than gas.

No, if you have a heat pump, then you don’t need a boiler In terms of heating your home, heat pumps cover everything you need.

When your home’s suitability for a heat pump is assessed, you’ll be told whether you’ll need to change your radiators or not. In most cases, you’ll likely need radiators that are 2.5x larger than your traditional standard size. This will depend on the size of the property and the insulation standard.

You will need an annual service but in general heat pumps rarely require maintenance

The days of clunky, noisy heat pumps are long gone. How noisy they are will depend on the manufacturer, but they won’t be any louder than other heating solutions or household appliances.

Ground Source Heating FAQ’s

Ground source heat pumps do not require a lot of electricity. An efficient system can generate three to four times the heat energy in comparison to the electricity used.

Maintaining a ground source heat pump is relatively easy. An annual service will identify the most important issues and ensure it is in good working order.

Ground source heat pumps work when it’s cold. The ground loop system is buried deep enough not to be affected by top frost and take advantage of the natural heat stored in the Earth.

Ground source heat pumps can heat your radiators. They work best with larger radiators or those that conduct heat well.

well-insulated home is a must for this type of heating system. Being able to keep an ambient temperature in your home without too much effort is best.

Yes there are many benefits to installing a heat pump some advantages include:

  • Zero-carbon emissions
  • Low running costs
  • Incredibly efficient
  • Sustainable
  • Low maintenance
  • Long service life

If you plan to install a horizontal system in your garden you must have a large enough plot for the ground loops

The pump is also relatively large and installation in an outbuildings is best. The system works best when there is less space or temperature difference between the ground loops and the heat distribution system.

Not all properties will have suitable areas to install ground loops. The area would need to be clear of trees or outbuildings. Tree root systems cancause issues with ground loops so this is essential.

Another benefit of installing a ground source heat pump is it requires very little maintenance. The pumps themselves will typically last a similar period as a regular boiler.
The ground loop system can last as long as 70 years, therefore won’t require  replacement them for a long time.

Water Source Heating FAQ’s

Although water source heat pumps can be installed in many types of homes,  there are a few things to consider when deciding whether a WSHP is right for your home.

The main requirement for a closed-loop WSHP is to have an appropriate body of water near your home. This may be a lake, loch, river, or even a large pond.

You would also need space for two boreholes to the property need to be near a body of water ideally a lake, large pond or river.

The system will require filling with a safe no-toxic fluid which needs to be free from nitrates, nitrites, borates and heavy metals making it safe for the environment

The Environment Agency should be contacted before installing a water source heating system

Open loop WSHP and Energy Blades require more maintenance because heat exchangers need protection from debris, and require regular inspection and occasional cleaning to keep them in good working order.

Solar PV Source Heating FAQ’s

The average solar panel system is around 3.5 kilowatt peak (kWp).
Most panel systems typically cover between 10 to 20m² of roof surface area.

An unshaded, south-facing roof is ideal for maximum performance. East or
west-facing roofs still work, but it’s not recommended to install PV panels on a north-facing roof.

Nearby buildings, trees or chimneys could shade your roof having a negative impact on the performance of your system.  However, Solar PV panel optimisers help improve the overall performance of your PV system. So, if one panel is shaded, it doesn’t impact how much electricity the other panels can generate.

Solar PV panels on houses are normally considered ‘permitted development’ and don’t usually need planning permission. But there are exceptions so it’s best to check with your local planning office for guidance. If you live in a listed building, conservation area or national park, there may be additional restrictions.

Before installing a solar PV system in your home, you must register it with your Distribution Network Operator (DNO). The DNO is the company responsible for bringing electricity to your home. Usually, your installer will register the device for you.

PV panels can be installed on an outbuilding roof. It’s important to make sure that the building roof is strong enough.

If the building doesn’t have its own electricity supply already then you should factor this in when looking at the total cost of the system.

PV panels can be installed in the garden on a suitable frame. They need to be free of shading by nearby trees and buildings, and they should face as close to south as is practical.

One advantage of mounting panels in the garden is that it’s easy to keep them clean. But you also need to be more careful about rodents and other physical damage.